Wednesday, January 31, 2018

28. Much Fruit—
John 15:5 (NRSV)  I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, 
because apart from me you can do nothing.

Our Holy Vine reveals the law of sure and abundant fruitfulness: "He that abides in Me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit." The gardener cares for one thing—the strength and healthy life of his tree—the fruit follows of itself. If you would bear fruit, see that the inner life is perfectly right, that your relationship to Christ Jesus is clear and close. Each day take time to grow in the Truth that you are abiding in Him and He in you. Christ tells us that nothing less will do. It is not your willing and running, it is not by your might or strength, but—"by my Spirit, says the Lord." Meet each new engagement, undertake every new work, with an ear and heart open to the Master's voice: "He that abides in Me, bears much fruit." When you seek the abiding—He will see to the fruit because He will give it in you and through you.

It is Christ Who does it all! The Vine provides the sap, and the life, and the strength—the branch waits, rests, receives, and bears the fruit.

Take time and ask God’s Holy Spirit to give you understanding of the unspeakably solemn place you occupy in the Mind of God. He has planted you INTO His Son with the calling and the power to bear much fruit. Accept that place. Look only to God, and to Christ, and expect joyfully to be what God has planned to make you—a fruitful branch—bearing much fruit, out of the abundance of His Grace.

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