Monday, January 29, 2018

26. You are the Branches—
John 15:5 (NRSV) — 5a I am the vine, you are the branches.

You are the branch—you need be nothing more. You need not for one single moment of the day take upon you the responsibility of the Vine. You need never to leave that place of entire dependence and unbounded confidence IN Him. You need not be anxious as to how you are to understand the mystery, or fulfill its conditions, or work out its blessed aim because the True Vine will give all and work all. The Father, the Vine-grower watches over your union with and growth in the Vine. You need be nothing more than a branch. Only a branch! Let that be your watchword—it will lead in the path of continual surrender to Christ's Working, of true obedience to His every Command, of joyful expectancy of all His Grace.

The character of a branch, its strength and the fruit it bears, depends entirely upon the vine. Your life as a branch depends entirely upon your comprehension of Who our Lord Jesus is. Therefore never separate the two words: "I the Vine—you the branch." Your life and strength and fruit depend upon Who and What our Lord Jesus is! Therefore worship and trust Him. Let Him be your one desire and the one occupation of your heart. And should you feel that you do not and cannot know Him aright simply remember that it is part of His Responsibility as Vine to make Himself known to you! He does this not in thoughts and conceptions but in a hidden growth within the life that is humbly, restfully and entirely given up to wait on Him.

The vine reveals itself within the branch from thence comes the growth and fruit. Christ dwells and works within His branch so you need only be a branch, waiting on Him to do ALL. He will be to you the True Vine. The Father Himself, the Divine Vine-grower, is able to make you a branch worthy of the heavenly Vine. 
You shall not be disappointed! 
It is ALL of Him!

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