Monday, July 31, 2017

A series of acrostics
Colossians 1:13–14 (NLT) — 13 
For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness 
and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, 
14 who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.

Christ Offers Forgiveness for Everyone Everywhere!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Today in our Dailies we transition from the prayers of David Adam 
(books available at the Pauline/Catholic Media Centre on Hindmarsh Square) 
to some days of meditating on meaningful ACROSTICS. 
I have enjoyed my encounter with these acrostics 
finding them to be simple, thought-provoking and meaningful.
Sharing them with you is a change of pace for all of us.

Today I share two images from James Goll's ministry. 
Do take them to heart!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Prayers of David Adam
Holy Trinity
Blessed are You, Lord God of Creation!
You have called me out of darkness into light!
Open my eyes to Your Presence—
Open my ears to Your Call—
Open my heart to Your Love—
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Blessed are You, Lord God!
Creator of all people—
Giver of life and health and love.
Help me to see You in the world’s needs ...
To see Your Presence in the poor—
To serve You in serving others—
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Blessed are You, Lord God,
Maker of all things—
You have brought all things into being
You give me Light
You give me Love
You give me Yourself
I give myself to You this day …
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Friday, July 28, 2017

 Prayers of David Adam
O Lord! You are with me—
with Might to protect me …
and Strength to defend me …
O Lord! You are with me—
with Wisdom to guide me …
and Peace to refresh me …
O Lord! You are with me—
with Love to enfold me …
and Joy to crown me …
O Lord! You are with me—
this day and night …
now and forever …
You, Lord are with me!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

 Prayers of David Adam
Lord! You are in me!
You are in my heart and
You fill me with Your Love ...
You are in my mind and
You fill me with Your Peace ...
You are in my life and
You fill me with Your Light ...
You are in my days and
You fill me with Your Glory ...

Lord! I am in You!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Prayers of David Adam
For the dullness of my vision—Father forgive!
For the weakness of my faith—Jesus forgive!
For the joylessness of my living—Spirit forgive!
Holy Three have mercy upon me …
Forgive me my sins …
Transform my life so I may become like You
more and more each day!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Prayers of David Adam

Lord, only You can cause me to rest and relax—
I give to You my tension
that makes peace impossible …
I give to You my fears
that prevent me from venturing …
I give to You my worries
that blind my sight …
I give to You my distress
that hides Your Joy …

Help me to know that—
I am one in You …
I am in Your Care …
I am in Your Love …
You and I are one—for
… in You I live and move and have my being!
Amen and Amen.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Prayers of David Adam
Lord of all light, You enter my past and—
Dispel the works of darkness …
Destroy the deeds of evil …
Defeat the thoughts of blackness …
You enter the recording room of my memories …
 the dark room of guilt and shame …
and the secret room of sins hidden and forgotten …

Come, Lord of Light—only You can forgive me!
Come, Lord of Love—only You can set me free!
Come, Lord of Light—only You can scatter my darkness!
Come, draw me closer to You. Amen.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

 Prayers of David Adam
Speak, Lord!
In the silence of the stars
In the quiet of the hills
In the heaving of the sea—Speak, Lord!

In the stillness of this room
In the calming of my mind
In the longing of my heart—Speak, Lord!

In the voice of a friend
In the chatter of a child
In the words of a stranger—Speak, Lord!

In the opening of a book
In the watching of a movie
In the listening to music—Speak, Lord!
For your servant listens.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

 Prayers of David Adam
Make me a Blessing
Make me a blessing to those I meet …
Make me a blessing as I walk down the street
Make me a blessing this day, even this hour
Make me a blessing—it lies in Your Power!
Make me a blessing at work and at home
Make me a blessing wherever I roam
Make me a blessing so that people may see
… I am a blessing
for You are IN me!

Friday, July 21, 2017

 Prayers of David Adam
Lord, today brings …
Paths to discover—
Possibilities to choose—
People to encounter—
Peace to possess—
Promises to fulfill—
Perplexities to ponder—
Power to strengthen—
Pointers to guide—
Pardon to accept—
Prayers to pray—
Praises to sing—
and Your Presence to proclaim!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Prayers of David Adam:
Papa God, You bless to me the dawn—
You bless to me this coming morn …
You bless all that my eyes will see …
You bless all who will come to me …
You bless my neighbours and my friends ...
You bless until my journey’s end …
You bless the traveller to our shore …
You bless the stranger at my door …
You bless to me the ongoing year …
You bless all who to me are dear …
You bless, O Lord, this day of days …
You bless with riches—all my ways …
Thank You.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Prayers of David Adam
For a New Day
God of Time!
God of Space!
You fill each moment
With Your Grace!

God of Motion!
God of Peace!
From each sin
You’ve given release!

God of Quiet!
God of Might!
You keep me ever
In Your Sight!

God of Time!
God of Space!
You fill each moment

With Your Grace!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Prayers of David Adam
I have used many of the prayers written by Rev David Adam for many years (published by SPCK and now available on Amazon). These simple prayers in the Celtic vein fill one’s inner man with glorious words that reverberate in one’s heart throughout the day. 
Rev David Adam was the Vicar of Lindisfarne where he ministered to thousands of pilgrims and other visitors for thirteen years until he retired in March 2003. 
He is the author of many inspiring books on spirituality and prayer, and his Celtic writings have rekindled a keen interest in our Christian heritage. Titles include The Open Gate, The Rhythm of Life, Tides and Seasons, A Desert in the Ocean and many more.

In this short series I will present one prayer per day from my compilation. Unfortunately the reference will be missing as in the changeover of laptops I lost so much research I would be devastated if I allowed myself such a ‘luxury’! 😊 
I pray that you are as blessed by these prayers as I have been over the years.
In the Love of the Father
In the Light of Christ
In Your Leading, Holy Spirit—
I place myself today.

In the praise of the Creator
In the Presence of the Saviour
In Your Power, Holy Spirit—
I come, I come.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Armor of God Summary
Ref: Kaylene
We are not left defenseless. We are given a complete suit of heavy metal to put on so we can do effective battle against the fear feeder—the evil one.
The gear in Ephesians 6:13-18 …
Belt of truth—the standard to which we align our lives. God’s standard. We come to know His standard by being well trained and knowledgeable in His Word.
Breastplate of righteousness—being in right standing with the Lord by how we apply His standards to our lives. Faith accompanied by action equals righteousness.
Shoes of peace—Jesus Himself is the Prince of Peace. Putting on the shoes of peace means no matter what we walk into, we do not need to be frightened by the situation and circumstances around us. We may be going through a storm, but the storm does not need to live in us because Jesus does.
Shield of faith—being completely grounded in Who we believe in and living it out in practical everyday ways. This shield, held firmly in place deflects the arrows of the evil one. It boasts of a life lived in right standing with the Lord—the One Who has already defeated the enemy.
Helmet of salvation—this is the hat that tells the enemy that you are a child of God. It reminds him Who he’s messing with when he tries to immobilize you with fear, diseases, doubt. Don’t you dare take this hat off—it boasts of your identity in Christ. Strap it on and claim your status.
Word of God—the Bible. It’s alive. It’s fresh. It’s new. It’s proven. It’s God’s and He speaks to us through it. Read it, memorize it, believe it, live it.
Right after giving us this a suit of heavy metal, the Lord gives us the battle plan: to be alert and always keep praying …
Ephesians 6:18 (NLT) — 18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers … …

The battle we’re in is of spiritual proportions and prayer is when we ask our greatest Warrior to the scene of the greatest battle. Guess who wins that one! Draw your battle lines and pray BIG!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

 Sword of the Spirit
Logos & Rhema—Jesus is the Word
Ephesians 6:17 (NRSV) Take … the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I take up the Sword of the Spirit, 
the Word of God. I embrace the inerrant message of Your Truth and Power. 
I humbly ask our beloved Holy Spirit to guide me into full understanding 
of the message of God’s Word. 
Grant to me the discipline and dedication to memorise the Word 
and to saturate my mind with its Truth and Power. 
In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the ministry of God’s Holy Spirit, 
grant me wisdom to apply the Word against the evil one. 
I seek to use the Word to deflate, defeat, distract and dismiss satan 
thus advancing the cause of Christ into all realms of my life.

Mantle of Prayer—
Ephesians 6:18 (NRSV) Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication. 
To that end keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints.

I keep my armour shiny with the polish of prayer —
wrapping myself around with the mantle of unceasing prayer 
that is conversation with God—
staying focused on Jesus Christ and praying for believers 
and non-believers alike so that the Power of our Beloved Holy Spirit 
will so invade their lives as to see Your Name be hallowed! 
Your Will be done! Your Kingdom Come! Even so, come Lord Jesus! Amen.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Shield of Faith—
El Emunah—God Who is Faithful
Ephesians 6:16 (NRSV) With all of these, take the shield of faith, 
with which you will be able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

Heavenly Father, by faith I take the protection of the shield of faith. 
Your Holy Presence surrounds me like a capsule
offering total protection from all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
 Grant me Your Grace to accept Your refining purpose 
in allowing any one of those fiery darts to pass through the shield, 
giving me strength to concentrate upon Your Presence 
and not on the piercing of the arrows. 
In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ I claim the protection 
of the holy angels to guard and shield me from the assaults 
of the dominion of darkness. 
May Your ministering angels be present to subvert all strategies 
of the evil one intended to harm me and my family. 
I appropriate the Victory of the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ 
and hold it against the advances of the enemy. 
With gratitude and praise, I rejoice in the Victory You won 
on the Cross of Calvary in Jesus’ Precious Name. Amen.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Helmet of Salvation
Elohe Tishuathi—God of Salvation
Ephesians 6:17a (NRSV) Take the helmet of salvation,…

Papa God! By faith I take the helmet of salvation. 
I recognise that my salvation is the Person of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. 
I cover my mind with Him—His Mind is within me
I pray that His Thoughts transform my thoughts this day and every day—
I open my mind fully and only to the control of our beloved Holy Spirit. 
Thank You that I am empowered to take captive every thought 
bringing them to obey Jesus! 
I reject every projected thought, emotion and warfare 
of the evil one and his demons. 
Thank You for granting me Your Wisdom to discern 
the things from the world, the flesh and the dark dominion 
of the enemy of my soul.
 I praise You, Heavenly Father, that I may know the Mind of Christ 
as I hide Your Word within my heart. 
Open my mind to love Your Word. 
May Your Word be ever over my mind like a helmet of strength 
through which the projected thoughts of the evil one cannot penetrate. 
Forgive me for my neglect and failure to aggressively take 
the joy of Your Salvation that is always available to me. 
These things I lay before You in the Precious Name of my Saviour,
 our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Shoes of the Gospel of Peace—
Jehovah Shalom—God of Peace
Ephesians 6:15 (NRSV) As shoes for your feet put on whatever 
will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace.

Loving Heavenly Father, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, 
by faith I put on the shoes of the gospel of peace. 
I accept Your declaration that I am justified and have peace with You 
and that Your Peace surpasses all understanding. 
May my mind grasp this wondrous Truth with ever-increasing joy and awareness. 
Thank You for the promise that every place my foot shall tread 
becomes holy ground because it is sanctified unto You. 
Thank You that my feet are ‘beautiful feet’ for they bring the gospel of peace 
wherever I walk—they bring Your Good News! 
I wear the shoes of peace with confidence and courage 
in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and 
by faith I walk in them this day. Amen.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

 Breastplate of Righteousness—
Elohe Tsadeki—God of Righteousness
In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I put on the breastplate of righteousness. 
I repudiate any dependence I may have upon my own goodness. 
I embrace the righteousness that is mine by faith IN our Lord Jesus Christ. 
I look to our beloved Holy Spirit to affect righteous actions, pure thoughts, 
holy attitudes and sweet speech in my life. 
I hold up the Righteous LIFE of our Lord Jesus Christ in repelling satan 
and his dominion of darkness—reminding the evil one that he is 
the defeated, deflated, disarmed, disabled and dysfunctional foe. 
I affirm that my victory has been won and is lived out IN my Saviour—
for my Lord Jesus Christ lives His Righteousness IN me. Amen.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Whole Armour of God …
In this series of prayers you will notice the inclusion of a Name of God 
to coincide with the relevant piece of armour …
Ref: Mark I.
Belt of Truth—[El Emuth—God of Truth]
Ephesians 6:14 (NRSV)  Stand therefore, and fasten the belt of truth around your waist, …
Lord Jesus! I claim the protection of the belt of Truth, buckled securely around my waist. 
Thank You for the protection of Your Truth over my life, my home and my family, and the work You have appointed for me. I use Your Words of Truth directly against satan and his dominion of darkness. I embrace You Jesus—for You are my Truth, my Strength and my Protection from all the deceptions of the evil one. I declare that the Truth of God’s Word will constantly gain a deeper place in my life. The Truth of the Word of God is my heart’s delight to study and memorise. I repent of those times wherein I have not spoken the truth—protect me from all such deceptions. By Your Holy Spirit of Truth, open Your Word afresh to my understanding and guide me into applying and appropriating ALL Your Words of Truth.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for making my local church a pillar and foundation for Your Truth in my life. In receiving Your Truth for myself I commit to sharing it with the people I meet, giving protection and help to others. Lord Jesus, I see that my ability to be invincibly strong and able to do Your Will requires the stabilizing Power of the belt of Truth. Thank You for providing this part of the armour. I take it gratefully and apply it constantly into my life. I pray this in the Precious Name of Jesus.

Monday, July 10, 2017

 The Weapons of our Warfare ...
2 Corinthians 10:4 (NLT) We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, 
to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning 
and to destroy false arguments.

Ref: Debbie McDaniel A prayer summary of the Armour of God—
Today we put on the full armor to guard our lives against spiritual attack.
We put on the belt of truth to protect against lies and deception.
We put on the breastplate of righteousness to protect our hearts 
from the temptations we face.
We put the shoes of the gospel of peace on our feet, 
so that we’re ready to take Your Light wherever You send us this day. 
We choose to walk in the peace & freedom of Your Holy Spirit 
and not be overcome with fear and anxious thoughts.
We take up Your shield of faith that will extinguish all the darts and threats 
hurled our way by the evil one. We believe in Your Power to protect us.
We put on the helmet of salvation, which covers our minds and thoughts, 
reminding us we are children of the day, forgiven, set free, and 
saved by the Grace of Christ Jesus.
We take up the sword of the Spirit, Your very Word, 
the one offensive weapon given to us for battle, 
which has Divine Power to demolish strongholds for it is alive, active, 
and sharper than any double-edged sword.
We wear the mantle of prayer remembering to pray constantly 
in Your Precious Name.

We ask for Your Help in remembering that we wear Your full armor every day.
 Forgive us God for the times we’ve been unprepared, too busy to care, or 
trying to fight and wrestle in our own strength. 
Thank You that we never fight alone: You are constantly at work on our behalf, 
shielding, protecting and strengthening us, exposing deeds of darkness, 
bringing to light what needs to be known and covering us from the cruel attacks 
we face even when we’re unaware. 
In the Powerful Name of Jesus I pray this prayer, Amen.