As A Well
Jeremiah 6:7 (NRSV) — 7a As a well
keeps its water fresh, … …
James 3:11 (NRSV) — 11 Does a
spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and brackish water?
Jesus speaks:
As a well keeps its waters fresh, so your heart must be also—rivers of living
waters constantly washing away the world, the stresses, the strains … that
serve to clog the arteries and so slow down the heartbeat.
As a well keeps its waters fresh, so My Word will be unto you—filling your being
to overflowing, festooning you, revitalizing, renewing, replacing the old with
My New—My Newness of Life for you.
As a well keeps its waters fresh, so our time together shall be—always bubbling,
dynamic and vital—never stale nor stagnant—fresh, transparent in Me.
As a well keeps its water fresh, so shall My Thoughts emerge—from deep within the
wellspring of life I have placed within thee—thoughts deep and fresh which
bring life.
As a well keeps its waters fresh … daily, moment by moment—thus is My
Relationship with you … ever trickling over your heart, your mind, your body,
your soul … constantly healing: constantly revealing the things I have for you.
As a well keeps its waters fresh, so wisdom is ‘always on tap’: wisdom that
springs from the wellsprings of life: wisdom that reveals the new
life—available every moment in every situation.
As a well keeps its waters fresh, so our daily walk shall be: constantly talking,
listening, meditating on ‘something to do with Me’ … and herein lies the key to
My Kingdom Come: My Will be done in your life and the life of others.
As a well keeps its waters fresh so shall our
relationship be now and in Eternity!