Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Hello Lovely Ladies!
My PC has been returned to the manufacturer (HP) with an estimated turnaround time of 2-5 weeks! So there will be no daily blog-spot in the foreseeable future. I am sorry about that however I have no access to my resources, Bible program, books or ... ... 

Please know that I pray for you each day and that You are never far from my thoughts. I am wondering whether God is changing up my life and the way I 'do' priorities and what will come out of this lifestyle challenge! Keep me in your prayers. Perhaps I am in a new season and some things need to be 'dropped' and new ones picked up? I'll keep you posted as to the outcome of my ponderings! Currently I am in the 'pencil pushing' phase of noting from books and copying out Scriptures Holy Spirit leads me to. Back to the future??!!

In the meantime ... I wait, waiting - expectant of some interesting revelations, insight, wisdom and more.
Keep in touch ... you are all on a very interesting journey and I am grateful to be able to share in it with you.
Love and blessings

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Hello Lovey Ladies!
Well ... I am still off air and praying for a miracle. My PC came back without the internet established ... here that is. it worked well in their office. HOWEVER ... for some strange reason I am missing Office 2016 which features Word and all the docs I have created in the past 20 years!! So back to Geek Squad tomorrow or Monday and we'll see if they can re-load Office and recover all my docs. Currently they are presenting as a PDF 'unopenable' file!!

So my question is ... does our Lord want me to leave behind ALL of the past writings and start afresh because I am a new creation OR is the evil one really ticked off a my writing that I have been planning to publish that he has thrown a spanner in the works ... temporarily?

Questions! Questions! I'll keep you posted!
Miss you heaps!
Love and blessings

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Hello Lovely Ladies!
I am still off air ... my PC has gone in for repairs and it may be another 5 days 
before I get it back. I do miss my daily contact with you and 
look forward to it being reinstated! 
Love and blessings to you all. 

Friday, February 16, 2018

My apologies lovely ladies!
Blogspot is off for the duration
until I am able to have a virus removed
from my lovely laptop
that prevents me from connecting to the
God bless you all ...
you are in my prayers!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

43. Obey and Abide
John 15:10 (NRSV)  If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, 
just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love.

Reference has been made to the entrance into a life of rest and strength which has often come through a true insight into the personal love of Christ, and the assurance that that love indeed meant that He would keep the soul. In connection with that transition, and the faith that sees and accepts it, the word surrender or consecration is frequently used. The soul sees that it cannot claim the keeping of this wonderful love unless it yields itself to a life of entire obedience.

This is the thought we have here now in our Savior's teaching. After having in the words, "Abide in My Love," spoken of a life in His Love as a necessity He states what its one condition is: "If you keep My Commandments, you shall abide in My Love." This is surely not meant to close the door to the abode of His Love that He had just opened up. No—the precept is a promise. "Abide in my Love," could not be a precept if it were not a promise. Through His Will, loved and done, lies the path to His Love.

Obedience is the positive keeping of the commandments of our Lord, and the performance of His Will in everything in which we know it. Faith in Christ as our Vine, in His Enabling and Sanctifying Power, equips us for this obedience of faith, and secures a life of abiding in His Love. It is the Heavenly Vine unfolding the mystery of the life He gives. It is to those abiding in Him to whom He opens up the secret of the full abiding in His Love. It is the wholehearted surrender in everything to do His Will, that gives access to a life in the abiding enjoyment of His Love.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

42. Abide in My Love
John 15:9 (NRSV)  As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; 
abide in my love.

Abide in My Love—we speak of a man's home as his abode. Our abode, the home of our soul, is to be the Love of Christ. We are to live our life there, to be at home there all the day—this is what Christ means our life to be, and we with Him really can make it so. Our continuous abiding in the Vine is to be an abiding in His Love.

The Love of the Father to the Son is not a sentiment—it is a Divine Life, an infinite energy, an irresistible power. It carried Christ through life and death and the grave. The Father loved Him and dwelt in Him, and did all for Him. So the Love of Christ to us too is an Infinite Living Power that will work in us ALL He delights to give us.

All too often the feebleness of our Christian life is that we do not take time to believe that this Divine Love really does delight in us, and will possess and work ALL in us. We do not take time to look at the Vine bearing the branch so entirely, working all in it so completely. We strive to do for ourselves what Christ alone can, what Christ so lovingly longs to do for us.

In faith we are to cast ourselves on Christ to work it in us—
this is the secret of the true Christian life.

Q: But how to come to this faith?
… Turn away from the visible if you want to see and possess the invisible. Take more time with Jesus, gazing on Him as the Heavenly Vine, living in the Love of the Father, wanting you to live in His Love. Turn away from yourself and your efforts and your faith. Abiding means going away from everything else, to occupy one place and stay there. Come away from all else, and set your heart on Jesus, and His Love and that Love will awaken your faith and strengthen it. Occupy yourself with that Love, worship it, wait for it. You can be sure it will reach out to you, and by its Power take you up into itself as your abode and your home.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

41. The Wonderful Love—
John 15:9 (NRSV) As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; 
abide in my love.

Even as the Father has loved Me—
Q: and how did the Father love Him?
The infinite desire and delight of God to communicate to the Son all He had Himself, to take the Son into the most complete equality with Himself, to live IN the Son and have the Son live IN Him—this was the love of God to Christ. It is a mystery of glory of which we have no concept—we can only bow and worship as we try to think of it. And with such a love, with this very same love, Christ longs in an infinite desire and delight to communicate to us ALL He is and has, to make us partakers of His own nature and blessedness, to live IN us and have us live IN Himself.

However, this question arises … if Christ loves us with such an intense and infinite Divine Love, what is it that hinders it triumphing over every obstacle and getting full possession of us?
… The answer is simple. Even as the Love of the Father to Christ, so His Love to us is a Divine Mystery, too high for us to comprehend or attain by any effort of our own. It is only God’s Holy Spirit Who can shed abroad and reveal in its all-conquering power without ceasing this wonderful Love of God in Christ. It is the vine itself that must give the branch its growth and fruit by sending up its sap. It is Christ Himself Who must by His Holy Spirit dwell in the heart—then we shall know and have in us the love that passes all understanding and knowledge.